Saturday 18 April 2009

Brushing the dust

Well! It has been ten months since my last post, and I feel I should start using it again. After all, the world is changing at an unprecedented rate! When I last posted in June, the stock markets were just starting to seize, Labour actually had a chance at the next election, and Barack Obama was still running against John McCain! Those were the days eh? These days, there's nothing but doom, gloom, and that slim ray of hope that Obama can still project; although it's influence wains with every passing day, like a window next to the express-lane of a motorway, slowly being covered by the grease of every day mundane life.

Anyway! On that layer of dirt that is the mundane level, I've started playing Warhammer 40,000 again. I know, terrrible, huh? The very thought of giving those capitalist barstards any custom seems to make my mind slip, but the comunity is so warm, and all my friends have started playing. So heck! Why not! I'll post some photo's of my achievements at some-point, for who knows? Maybe they'll be worth looking at.

Anyway, the wit-reflex is not so sharp tonight I'm afraid, for it is late, and my mind is pressed elsewhere. So, before I embarrass myself with bad writing, I'll stop.

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